Solving the Pair Sum Problem: Efficient Algorithms

Navigating Algorithms for Optimal Solutions

Anh T. Dang
Level Up Coding


In the realm of computer science, seemingly simple problems often harbor deep insights and real-world applications. The Pair Sum problem is a classic example of this phenomenon. Imagine you’re given a list of numbers and a target sum. Your task is to determine whether any two numbers in the list add up to the given target. This seemingly straightforward task has implications in various domains, from finance to optimization. In this article, we will explore different approaches to solve this problem, focusing on efficient algorithms and even experimenting with parallelization.

Photo by Nick Chong on Unsplash

The Challenge and its Relevance

Consider scenarios where the Pair Sum problem comes into play:

Stock Trading

You’re analyzing stock prices over a period of time. Can you find two days when buying on the first day and selling on the second day yields a profit equal to a certain target amount?

E-Commerce Optimization

You’re optimizing your e-commerce website’s product bundles. Can you identify whether two items from your inventory can be bundled together to meet a promotional pricing goal?

Financial Transactions

In a world of electronic transactions, ensuring that certain transactions combine to meet a specific payment amount is crucial.

Brute Force Approach

When faced with the Pair Sum problem, the simplest approach is the brute force method. You iterate through all possible pairs of numbers in the list and check if their sum equals the target sum. While conceptually straightforward, this approach becomes inefficient as the list size grows. For a list of *n* numbers, this approach requires *n²* comparisons. This quadratic time complexity can lead to slow execution, especially for larger datasets.

# Brute force solution
def brute_force_has_pair_with_sum(nums, target_sum):
n = len(nums)
for i in range(n):
for j in range(i+1, n):
if nums[i] + nums[j] == target_sum:
return True
return False

One-Pass Hash Set Solution

Efficiency in algorithms often arises from clever data structures and insights. The One-Pass Hash Set solution for the Pair Sum problem is a prime example. This approach dramatically improves efficiency by converting the problem from a combinatorial search to a lookup operation.

Here’s a step-by-step breakdown:

1. Traverse through the list of numbers just once.
2. For each number encountered, calculate its “complement” by subtracting it from the target sum.
3. Check if the complement exists in a hash set of encountered numbers.
4. If the complement is found, a pair that sums to the target is identified. If not, add the current number to the hash set and proceed.

The brilliance of this solution lies in the constant-time average-case lookups and insertions offered by hash sets. As a result, the time complexity of this algorithm is reduced to *O(n)*. It’s an elegant and efficient approach, making it the preferred solution for the Pair Sum problem.

# Original one-pass hash set solution
def has_pair_with_sum(nums, target_sum):
num_set = set()

for num in nums:
complement = target_sum - num
if complement in num_set:
return True

return False

Parallelization Attempt

In the pursuit of optimization, the idea of parallelization often surfaces. Parallelization involves dividing the problem into smaller tasks that can be executed concurrently. Python’s `concurrent.futures` module facilitates this. However, it’s essential to consider the trade-offs.

# Parallel solution using concurrent.futures
def parallel_has_pair_with_sum(nums, target_sum):
num_set = set()

def check_pair(num):
if target_sum - num in num_set:
return True
return False

with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:
results = list(, nums))

return any(results)

In our Pair Sum problem, using parallel threads to check pairs might seem promising. Yet, Python’s Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) can hinder true parallelism in multi-threaded programs. This limitation, coupled with the overhead of managing parallel threads, can offset the benefits, especially for problems with small input sizes.

Benchmarking and Performance Comparison

To evaluate the actual impact of these approaches, we can benchmark them using the `timeit` module. After rigorous testing, the results are clear: for small-scale problems, the original one-pass solution using a hash set shines. The parallelized solution is significantly slower, sometimes even 1000 times slower in this context. Parallelization proves more effective when tackling larger-scale problems or those with higher computational complexity.

# Benchmarking
brute_force_time = timeit.timeit(lambda: brute_force_has_pair_with_sum(large_data, target_sum), number=10)
hash_set_time = timeit.timeit(lambda: has_pair_with_sum(large_data, target_sum), number=10)
parallel_time = timeit.timeit(lambda: parallel_has_pair_with_sum(large_data, target_sum), number=10)

print("Brute Force Solution Time:", brute_force_time)
print("Hash Set Solution Time:", hash_set_time)
print("Parallel Solution Time:", parallel_time)
  1. Brute Force Solution Time: The brute force solution took approximately 0.0159 seconds to complete. This is the slowest of the three solutions, which is expected because the brute force approach has a time complexity of O(n²), making it inefficient for larger datasets.
  2. Hash Set Solution Time: The one-pass hash set solution took approximately 8.43e-05 seconds to complete. This is significantly faster than the brute force solution. The hash set solution’s time complexity is O(n), which allows it to handle larger datasets more efficiently.
  3. Parallel Solution Time: The parallel solution took approximately 7.30 seconds to complete. While parallelization can offer performance benefits for larger datasets, it seems that in this case, the overhead introduced by managing parallel threads outweighed the benefits for the dataset size you tested.


Solving the Pair Sum problem takes us on a journey through algorithmic insights, data structure choices, and parallelization considerations. While parallelization offers tantalizing speedup potential, it’s vital to weigh the benefits against overhead, especially for problems with limited input sizes. The right algorithmic choice can yield substantial improvements in performance and efficiency, underscoring the fact that seemingly straightforward problems possess rich layers of complexity worth exploring.

As you navigate the world of algorithm design, optimization, and parallel programming, consider experimenting with different input sizes and complexities. The Pair Sum problem is a gateway into the realm of computational exploration, where creativity and efficiency intersect to unlock elegant solutions.



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